Happy Sunday! Today I didn't really have a plan for a new post so I decided to share a life update with you all since a few new things have happened recently and a few things have changed.
1. I got a haircut. Well actually a couple weeks ago I did so now I am back to a lob. I always change my mind so who knows if it will stay. I don't have a picture right now but it's a tad longer than shoulder length. I'm loving it right now.
2. I got another internship! If you don't know I have an internship with a digital college magazine company and I recently applied for, and was accepted, for another one. I am a social media and marketing intern for a goat yoga company here in my area. Yes you read that right I said goat yoga. It's still a new thing and growing in popularity but it is pretty much a yoga class where they have baby goats that roam around during the class. Did I mention they dress them up? It might seem weird but they are cute so how can you really complain.
3. I'm not 100% sure if I have already mentioned this but I have finally decided what I want to major in for school. I have chosen communications studies. It is a very adaptable area of study that you can do many things with so, since I enjoy many things, I think it will be a good fit for me.
4. If you follow me or my business on Instagram *hint hint you should it's @adornedwithdelight ;)* than you would have known that we recently received our business cards. If you don't follow then you wouldn't have known, though. It is really exciting when things begin moving along and I am so excited for when we launch. It takes a little while to start something like this so we are not completely ready for business yet but we are getting closer and closer.
I guess that's all I have for today. Have you had anything new happen to you recently? ♥
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