Well hello there! I feel like a stranger here considering I haven't posted in almost 3 MONTHS!? I don't want to put any excuses as to why I haven't been posting but let's just say that I am a college student who runs a business and is involved in other things.
Nevertheless, I am here today with a new post and I am glad that I have the chance. I have seen other bloggers do these posts before and always enjoy reading them so I decided to write one myself.
I am writing this on the last day that I will ever be 18. Crazy, I know. But, instead of being sad about it I've chosen to look at the bright side of things and think about what I have learned over this past year of my life. Who knows? Maybe one of you will find some deep important meaning into what I will have to say and will apply it to your life. Maybe not but I still think its fun to see what others have to say and be able to look back on this post in the future.
With that said here are 18 things I learned while I was 18--some points being more thought-provoking than others.
1. Enjoy the ride of life even when you don't know what the next day may hold.
2. Don't be afraid to water the seed that has been placed in your heart.
3. I have grown fond of wildflowers (and flowers in general).
4. Simple things are a source of great happiness.
5. Surrounding yourself with a community that loves you is so important.
6. Growing closer to God starts with me taking the step closer.
7. Setting aside time for what's important should be first.
8. Don't take teenage years for granted.
9. Alone time is nice but so is time with others.
10. Even when I can't, God sees everything from beginning to end.
11. Going the extra mile should be a daily occurence.
12. This world is not my home so I must keep my eyes on things above.
13. Everyone is living a different chapter of their life and that's okay.
14. Purpose doesn't equate to worth and not understanding mine doesn't mean it's not there.
15. Sometimes it's best to just give it to God and go to sleep.
16. Stepping out of my comfort zone can lead to adventures and growth like never before.
17. Cultivate your passions.
18. Follow God, love others, and you will live life to the fullest.
Did you relate to any of these? I would love to know some things that you have learned this past year too! Let me know in the comments below!
As I go into the next year of my life I am so excited to see what the Lord has planned for me and I'm excited to see how I will grow throughout this next year. Maybe I will make these posts a tradition??
Thanks for reading and I hope that you have a blessed year as well. Hopefully you will hear from me soon!

Thanks for sharing about your blog. I love your list of 18!