Can you believe that it is almost September? As I'm sure we can all agree, this summer did not quite look like what was expected. For me personally, there were several events and plans that had to be canceled or postponed throughout the summer. However, that doesn't mean that my summer was bad. In fact, there are many things that I am thankful for over this past summer! I even posted a life update last month that shows a little of what my summer consisted of.
Since time flew by over these past several months, and we are nearing autumn, in today's post, I am sharing a few of my goals for the month of September. So, let's get to it.
- Stick to a schedule. Since my classes started back on Monday, I started sticking to a daily schedule that I am liking so far. Throughout the month of September (and ideally, for longer) I want to stick to it which includes waking up at 7 am every day, exercising, and a few more things that I want to do daily.
- Limit screen time. Since all of my classes are online and basically everything else that I do as well, I want to be intentional about limiting my screen time and doing other things away from my devices which means staying off my phone or computer when I'm not working.
- Start crafting more. I have always enjoyed crafting but, since I recently invested in a new Cricut Explore Air 2, I want to try out some new projects soon.
- Stick to editorial calendars. Even after years of having my online businesses (this blog, Adorned With Delight, and my new venture Madalyn Dobbs Photography) I have always struggled with sticking to my editorial calendars. I recently started a new system for myself and I really want to continue utilizing it.
- Implement new ideas. It's no surprise that I have some new ideas brewing haha. I added this goal so that I can take the time to plan and brainstorm implementing them. I'm sure you will be hearing about these said ideas soon.
- Read more. I currently have a few different books on my reading list including "Where The Crawdads Sing" but I have a bad habit of starting books and then finishing them a while later. I really want to challenge myself to read every day.
- Have a daily quiet time. Every morning I try to have a "quiet time" with God, my Bible, and a journal. This past week I have not taken that time as much as I would like so I'm adding it to the list.
- Exercise daily. Some days I will do a 5-minute stretch, other days I will do a 45-minute HIIT routine, and other days I won't do anything (oops). Even if it is just a walk around the block, I want to exercise every day for the month of September.
- Design more. This goal is similar to number three but also a little different. I use a design app called Procreate to make graphics and other designs and I really want to find the time to start using it more.
- Drink no soda. Lastly, this goal is a little more measurable. I want to challenge myself to not drink any soda throughout the whole month. I typically drink one once or twice a week (especially the best: Dr. Pepper) but I want to also drink more water so I plan to replace soda with water.
I'm excited to see how these goals turn out over this next month. Something that I have to remind myself of constantly is, "If not now, then when?". That will definitely be my mantra for this next month. As always, thanks for reading!
What are some of your goals for the month of September? Let me know in the comments below! ♥

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