Thanksgiving 2016 Recap

I'm not going to lie, I am writing this at 10pm because I forgot today is Sunday and I forgot to write a post for today. It's okay though because I am writing one now and I figured I might as well share how my Thanksgiving went so here it goes...

My Thanksgiving was filled with family and thanks. It also included some good great food and a multitude of smiles and laughs. We also did these place mats that I thought was such a cute idea. We all had our own and wrote why we were thankful for each one of us-I definitely recommend you and your family try it out. Not only did my family and I get to see/hang out on Thanksgiving but we also had a couple days before that, that we spent together. Overall, I loved it and am so thankful that we got the opportunity to see each other. It was a great time.

I know that this was short but I did not want to break my streak for posting every Sunday and Wednesday so I hope that this works for now.

How did y'all's Thanksgivings go? I hope well. Until next time... ♥



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